Charmaine’s Story

My journey towards healing and transformation began long before my birth, marked by a profound separation from my biological mother at her tender age of 16. The heart-wrenching decision to place me up for adoption left me entering the world devoid of a mother's embrace or reassuring gaze, and this early trauma became the bedrock of the challenges I'd confront in life.

My early years consisted of bouncing between foster care homes, this kept my central nervous system stuck in survival mode, not letting me adapt. These tumultuous beginnings shaped me into a perpetual people pleaser, always striving to fit in and meet others' expectations. An imposter in my own life, I struggled to find my sense of belonging and true understanding.

However, in 2021, I hit a breaking point where I embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing that lead me to embark on a transformative week long seminar at the Kripalu Institute in Stockbridge, Massachusetts with best selling author of the book The Body Keeps the Score, Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk. It was at this time that I was introduced to the transformational power of what neurofeedback training can do.

Neurofeedback training was a revelation, providing new insights into my past and present, and equipping me with words and understanding for emotions and experiences I couldn't express before. This training became the key to unlocking a lifetime of emotional baggage and allowing me to finally embrace my true, authentic self. Now my mission is to share the power of Neurofeedback Training, especially with expectant mothers and unborn children, to prevent early trauma's impact and foster personal transformation. Together, we can shape a world filled with hope, strength, and endless possibilities. Lets Make Better Humans One Brain At A Time

Hi! I’m Charmaine.

“I'm not just a Neurofeedback Trainer; I'm a woman on a heartfelt mission to help pregnant women and babies in the womb navigate the profound impact of early-life trauma.”