What is Neurofeedback Training?

NeurOptimal® is a 100% safe, FDA approved wellness device. It is a non-invasive and drug-free training that does not involve the use of medications or other external interventions.


  • NeurOptimal® meticulously monitors your brain's electrical signals through sensors, detecting shifts in these signals such as Duration, Intensity, Frequency, or Shifts (DIFS) in real time, a remarkable 256 times per second. It then introduces subtle interruptions in an audio/visual stream, essentially alerting your brain to these changes.

    The magic lies in the fact that NeurOptimal® provides your brain with information about its own activity, and your brain, being a remarkable learning machine, decides how to adapt. Through our innate orienting response, your brain subconsciously learns to reorient itself to the present moment. During this training, your Central Nervous System undergoes a tune-up, enhancing its own function and flow.

    Ultimately, NeurOptimal® promotes mental fitness and optimal brain functioning by fostering increased focus and clarity. It equips you with greater flexibility and resilience, making it easier to navigate life's challenges. A healthier Central Nervous System contributes significantly to overall wellness. Countless individuals have reported transformative improvements in their lives after experiencing NeurOptimal®.

    Developed by clinical psychologists Dr. Valdeane Brown and Dr. Susan Cheshire Brown of Zengar Institute, Inc., NeurOptimal® has amassed over 3 million hours of safe and effective training since 2000. Join the ranks of those who have unlocked their brain's potential, and explore further resources at www.neuroptimal.com. Your path to enhanced well-being begins here.

  • This is training (not therapy). It is diagnostically agnostic NeurOptimal® reminds the brain to self regulate.

    Nothing is put into the brain (no electricity, no strong frequency or vibration, or light/sound).

    Because nothing goes into the brain and nothing comes out of the brain, we are simply “teaching” the brain to respond differently.

    All we are doing is providing information to the brain about what it is doing. It sorts itself out on its own from there.

    There are no decisions being made by me on behalf of your brain.

  • Pregnant Women, Children and Adults: Neurofeedback Training is suitable for individuals of all ages, from children to adults.

    Individuals with Mental Health Conditions: It can be used as a complementary or standalone training for various mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), and more.

    Those with Neurological Disorders: Neurofeedback Training may benefit individuals with certain neurological conditions like epilepsy and migraines.

    Performance Enhancement: Some people use neurofeedback training to enhance cognitive performance, such as improving focus, memory, and decision-making abilities. This can be relevant for students, professionals, and athletes.

    Stress Management: Neurofeedback training can assist individuals in managing stress, improving relaxation, and enhancing overall well-being.

    Peak Performers: Individuals in creative fields or high-pressure jobs may use Neurofeedback Training to optimize their cognitive and emotional functioning.

    Autism Spectrum Disorder: It is sometimes used as part of a comprehensive training plan for individuals with autism to address certain behavioral and cognitive challenges.

    Insomnia and Sleep Disorders: Neurofeedback Training may help individuals experiencing sleep problems by promoting more balanced sleep patterns.

    Trauma Survivors: Some trauma survivors find Neurofeedback Training helpful in addressing symptoms related to trauma and stress. It can also help those who could not form words at the time of trauma.

    Wellness and Self-Improvement: Individuals interested in personal development and maximizing their potential may explore Neurofeedback Training to enhance their overall mental and emotional well-being.

  • The experience of neurofeedback training can vary from person to person, but for many individuals, it is a painless and non-invasive process that feels comfortable and relaxing. Here's what neurofeedback training typically feels like:

    Sensation: During a neurofeedback training session, you will sit in a comfortable chair or recline while sensors are placed on your scalp and ears. These sensors are attached with conductive paste, and they do not cause discomfort.

    Feedback: You will receive feedback in real time, often in the form of visual or auditory cues. This feedback is typically delivered through a TV monitor and earbuds (each client receives their own set of earbuds). The Z Amp “amplifies” the data and changes the electrical signal from Analog to Digital then that signal is sent to the software program for analysis. This information is analyzed 256 times per second and is detecting changes in the activity (DIFS). Your brain perceives these slight interruptions as a notification that something changed and the Central Nervous System “adjusts” to that information. Our brains job is to keep us alive. Therefore, it is always moving towards a place of comfort.

    Relaxation: Many individuals find neurofeedback training sessions to be relaxing and enjoyable. As the brain adjusts to the feedback, some people report a sense of calmness and heightened awareness. It can be similar to the feeling of deep relaxation or meditation.

    No Pain or Discomfort: Neurofeedback Training does not involve any painful or uncomfortable sensations. The sensors on your scalp are non-invasive, and the feedback is designed to be well-tolerated.

    Overall, one of the biggest benefits of NeurOptimal® is the ability to gain flexibility & resilience to easily and effortlessly make decisions without concern.

  • Yes. Neurofeedback Training is proven to be a safe option for pregnant women. While each individual's experience may vary, many pregnant women have found Neurofeedback Training to be a valuable tool in promoting their emotional well-being during pregnancy.

    Read this informative article on Neurofeedback Training during pregnancy.

  • Prenatal neurofeedback training or fetal neurofeedback training is primarily designed to provide benefits to the developing fetal brain and promote a sense of well-being in pregnant mothers. Here are some ways in which neurofeedback training may be proposed to help babies in the womb:

    Stress Reduction: Neurofeedback Training sessions for expectant mothers can aim to reduce maternal stress and anxiety levels. Lower maternal stress may have indirect positive effects on the developing fetus, as high stress during pregnancy has been associated with adverse outcomes.

    Emotional Balance: Prenatal neurofeedback training may help pregnant women achieve emotional balance and reduce mood swings, potentially creating a more stable emotional environment for the baby.

    Calmness and Relaxation: By training the mother's brain to achieve a state of calmness and relaxation, prenatal neurofeedback training can potentially influence the baby's environment in the womb, providing a soothing and serene atmosphere.

    Enhanced Bonding: Some proponents suggest that prenatal neurofeedback training may enhance the maternal-fetal bond by promoting feelings of connection and attachment between the mother and the developing baby.

    Stimulation of Brain Development: Although research in this area is limited, proponents argue that exposing the fetus to the gentle rhythms and sounds of neurofeedback training may stimulate brain development and cognitive functioning in utero.

  • The duration of the effects of neurofeedback training can vary from person to person. It is a learned process like learning to read or ride a bike, we cannot take that away from you once you know it.

  • YES! NeurOptimal® is a 100% safe, FDA approved wellness device. It is a non-invasive and drug-free training that does not involve the use of medications or other external interventions.

  • We do not put anything in the brain nor take anything out of the brain, therefore the effects are your journey, possibly reminding you of another past event.

    Some individuals have reported feeling like they have just had a work-out at the gym, but for their brain.

    Most people find neurofeedback training to be comfortable and meditative.

  • Yes, NeurOptimal® is 100% safe. Nothing goes in and nothing goes out. NeurOptimal® has been determined to be a General Wellness Device by the FDA.