Our Mission

“As parents, we want our children to inherit our eyes, our sense of style, and our sense of humor – not our trauma.”

At the heart of our mission lies a deep wellspring of compassion and care for every pregnant or postpartum woman we serve. We understand, because we've been there too. We've walked the path of self-discovery, unearthing the layers of our own trauma, and in doing so, we've come to see the profound impact it can have on our precious children.

Through our journey, we've come to realize how each pregnancy, each moment within the womb, builds the foundation of our neuropathways. We've seen it in our own lives – how stress, anxiety, toxic environments, and unresolved trauma played out in our children's lives. But now, we are determined to change that narrative.

Our mission is clear: to act as a guardian to all babies in the womb. To extend our hand and our expertise to pregnant and postpartum mothers, so they don't have to endure watching their children inherit their traumas and bad habits like we did. We believe in the extraordinary potential of neurofeedback training, and we know it can assist and help promote the world from the initial source of suffering.

Clearing your trauma is not just a personal endeavor; it's an act of profound love and care for the child growing within you. It's about giving them the gift of pure love, the most precious gift any parent can bestow. It's about providing them with a solid foundation, one free from the burdens of our past and effects of the toxic environments we’ve been forced to endure.

Together, let’s provide your unborn child with the most incredible gift of a fresh neuro foundation. Let's make sure they don’t inherit the story of your past, clear away the shadows of trauma, and pave the way for a brighter future. Because, as we believe, it all begins at the very beginning – in the womb.

As parents, we want our children to inherit our eyes, our sense of style, and our sense of humor – not our traumas. Together, we can create a world where children are born into an environment of love, security, and emotional well-being.

Join us on this journey of transformation, because when we start at the very beginning, it truly is a very good place to start. Come train your brain and ensure that the best version of you is passed down to your unborn – a legacy of love, strength, and resilience.